art and love

“Art is the conversation between lovers. 

Art offers an opening for the heart. 

True art makes the divine silence in the soul break into applause.”

“I wish I could show you,

When you are lonely or in darkness,

The Astonishing Light

Of your own Being!” 

“Light will someday split you open; even if your life is now a cage.” 


The Truth

Last Full Moon 1 (8bit) (profiled) cropped and flattened.jpg

"I have learned so much from God that
I can no longer call myself a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Jew.

The Truth has shared so much of Itself with me that
I can no longer call myself a man, a woman, an angel, or even a pure Soul.

Love has befriended me so completely it has
turned to ash and freed me of every concept and image my mind has ever known." 






That Illumined

Who keeps
Seducing the formless into form

Had the charm to win my

Only a Perfect One

Who is always
Laughing at the word

Can make you know





falling through


falling through

reading Basho’s

haiku from 1667

listening to the snow 

falling softly

right through



shell of a body,

so delicate, 

filled with light.

A fiery red leaf 

surrenders to 

wind and 

perfect gravity 

with a sigh

the stream below

waiting with

open arms for

this long lost


so much intimate tenderness 

holding this fragile, 

infinite creation 

as One.

the tree

the leaf 

the stream

the cloud

the snow

the starry firmament 

this silent

bowing earth


profoundly in love

with each other,

with your luminous body


this simple




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if I were to tell you 

the truth of 

who you are 

whisper absolutely 


in your sweet ear

it would break 

your tender heart


and all your fear,

longing, belief,

and fractured joy 

would fly wild 

out of your mouth  

like bright 

silver ash

floating skyward 


taking their place

as shimmering stars

i would do that

with my dying breath

leave this


of bone and



but I can’t...

no combination of words

or sweet singing

will set beautiful 

and free


who have never

been bound, nor


always radiant,




with all This.

sm 2020

This is Awakening

Awakening or enlightenment is not an understanding of the mind.

In fact, it is beyond the mind and all the tools of the intellect, like words and concepts.

Awakening is a fundamental shift in the perceptual framework of how Being, Infinite Consciousness, experiences itself through a flavor or point that prior appeared as a limited individual, but now is the One presence, which has always been.

Nothing has changed. Everything has changed. Changed beyond words.

Read more here

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Sunday Silent Satsang

Sunday Silent Satsang

Please join us for a silent sitting in presence

Sundays, at 430. via Zoom.

A simple thirty minute meditation in the infinite Oneness, that you are, beyond time and space.

No teaching, no techniques, just simple Allowing of what Is, to simply be, together.

Now, more than ever we need to connect and celebrate the love and stillness that is our essential nature.

We begin sitting at 430 and end around 5 with a bell.

Please sign up for the newsletter to receive the details weekly

See you on Sunday.





This simple moment, this beautiful Now, that we are sharing, is the only time that has ever been, or will ever be. ... Your true Nature is here. Always. Awakened consciousness is all there is. 

Winter, spring summer, fall...what never changes? The stillness, the silence that you are.


Simple grace. 

Just as you are. 

Be with that. 



from silence to symphony

"The impulse to create art is the same impulse that created this magnificent world.
It is the exact same force that creates universe, planet, tree, poem, song, painting, dance.

This deep-rooted desire to create and express within us is the impulse of Awareness,
our True Nature, to know itself through becoming, expansion, and Joy. 

All art is this Joy in action; from the finite to the infinite and back again,
from silence to symphony and back to stillness.
From the deeply personal to the universal."

Scott Morgan


See the full post on The Awakened Eye

A beautiful repost from The Awakened Eye

This is a repost about my work from the breathtaking blog by Miriam Louisa Simons;


Miriam has created the most beautiful, deep, passionate and well-researched treasure chest of writing and art, about Awakening, Nonduality and the artistic process on the planet. It is a continual inspiration to thousands of seekers around the globe.